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    Company Structuring for e-residents: Corporate and Tax Perspectives

    This event happened in the past.
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    A must-attend webinar for e-residents in Estonia.

    Get familiar with structuring a company from the corporate and tax perspective.


    • Dividends, salary and directors’ fee: what contract to choose, which taxes to pay and where (jurisdiction)?;
    • VAT: changes in 2024. When to register, when is obligatory, why does it matter?
    • DTT wise: main points on tax residency and tax implications.

    Speaker: Georgi Dzaniasvili – LEGID
    Georgi is an expert lawyer with over 10 years’ experience, focusing on corporate law, labor law, civil law and tax law.

    Location: Zoom (link sent via email)
    Event language: English
    In partnership with: e-Residency of Estonia.

    Register now to reserve your virtual seat.

    This event happened in the past.