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    How can e-Residency help Latvian entrepreneurs start and run a global business 100% online?

    This event happened in the past.
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    Estonia is the first country to offer e-Residency, a government-issued digital identity that empowers entrepreneurs to start and manage a paperless EU-based company fully online, from anywhere in the world. Since 2014, 2000 people from Latvia have applied for Estonian e-residency, taking full advantage of Estonia’s top ranking business environment and trusted e-services without spending time on bureaucracy.

    Join the first e-residency webinar for Latvian entrepreneurs to find out, how to:

    ✓ Become part of e-Estonia, access Estonia’s business environment and digital society
    ✓ Get your secure, government-issued digital ID-card
    ✓ Skip the bureaucracy, start and run your company fully online
    ✓ Access cost-effective business administration services
    ✓ Sign contracts and manage all aspects of your company securely online from Riga, Rio de Janeiro or anywhere you find an internet connection


    Signe Millere – Business and Investment Adviser, Embassy of Estonia in Riga
    Welcome words, support from the Estonian Embassy

    Jaan Heinsoo – Head of New Markets, e-Residency
    How to access the world’s top ranking business environment and digital society through e-residency

    Tõnis Jõgeva – Sales Manager, 1Office
    Tax and legal aspects of creating and running a paperless international business remotely

    Voldemārs Brēdiķis – Estonian e-resident / CEO, Linearis Translations OÜ
    Experience of a Latvian entrepreneur on how to grow and manage a global business using e-residency


    The webinar will be in English, the Q&A session – in English and Latvian.

    By registering to an event organized by e-Residency, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

    This event happened in the past.