If you’ve been looking into whether e-Residency is good solution to launch your online business, you’ve most likely stumbled upon the topic of taxation of Estonian companies.
You might already know that in Estonia, tax is paid on distributed profits meaning that there is no corporate income tax on retained and reinvested profit. So how does this work in practice, and what other taxes do you need to know about for your company?
Join tax specialists from e-Residency Marketplace service provider 1Office for this interactive webinar to consider the TOP10 questions e-residents ask about Estonian taxes:
1. What is the difference between tax residency and citizenship?
2. What are the tax benefits of owning a company in Estonia?
3. What is double taxation?
4. What is a permanent establishment?
5. How does dividend taxation work in Estonia?
6. How does salary taxation work in Estonia?
7. What are the taxes to be aware of and where will an e-resident pay them (in general terms)?
8. When and why should e-residents register for VAT and EORI?
9. What is MOSS?
10. How are expenses taxed in Estonia?
Our speakers will also respond to your questions in the Q&A.
Speakers in our webinar are:
– Ketlin Genergard, Head Accountant and Tax Consultant at 1Office Group
– Kristiina Aljas-Saarma, Head of Sales at 1Office Group
The webinar will be moderated by Raimo Matvere, Head of Partnerships at e-Residency.
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