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    celebrating the success of our spokespeople

    Read how the collective efforts of e-⁠Residency Spokespersons have made a significant impact on spreading the message of e-⁠Residency to a global audience.

    The e-Residency Envoys and Community Leaders in Tallinn Estonia in May 2023
    The e-Residency Envoys and Community Leaders in Tallinn, Estonia in May 2023

    Since the launch of our Spokespersons programme in April 2023, e-⁠Residency has witnessed remarkable initiative taken by our Envoys and Community Leaders. These inspiring individuals have been the driving force behind dozens of events, podcasts, e-⁠Residency Live Q&As, business delegations, and press trips.

    In this blog post, we celebrate the accomplishments of our rockstars and how they have contributed to the e-⁠Residency ecosystem.

    The Journey to Success

    Over time, our Spokespersons programme has flourished, attracting some exceptional individuals who share our vision of empowering entrepreneurs worldwide.

    To date, we are proud to have enlisted eighteen e-⁠Residency Envoys and two Community Leaders. Their collective efforts have made a significant impact on spreading the message of e-⁠Residency to a global audience.

    Diverse Achievements at Events and in the Media

    Our spokespeople have not only excelled individually but also represented e-⁠Residency at several prestigious events. Here are some of the highlights from their journeys.

    Envoys participated at Events across the world from New York to Madrid

    In early June, several Envoys represented e-Residency at South Summit technology and startup conference in Madrid. Envoys Ignacio Carvajal, Miguel Pinas, Cristian Larrosa, and Maya Middlemiss joined our team at one of the biggest tech conferences in Spain, amplifying the reach of e-Residency within the tech community. Read Maya's recap of South Summit on the blog.

    In New York City, Envoy Cristian Larrosa was invited to speak about his e-⁠Residency experience at an event organised by the Estonian Consulate, showcasing how e-⁠Residency transcends geographical boundaries. Cristian was also instrumental in spreading the word about e-⁠Residency during Tallinn Music Week, reaching out to a diverse and enthusiastic music and creative industry community.

    Martin Gregersen further showcased the potential of e-Residency by speaking at the tech conference, garnering attention from tech enthusiasts. Also in Berlin, Envoy Luke Seelenbinder took the stage at Tech Open Air, captivating the audience with his profound understanding of e-Residency. We were privileged to share Luke's inspiring speech on our blog, allowing many more to benefit from his expertise. Luke also joined the e-⁠Residency team at Bits & Pretzels in Munich in September, during which he spoke about his entrepreneurial journey in a panel discussion, and supported the team at the e-⁠Residency booth.

    Community Leader Ian Wagner has been a dedicated advocate for e-⁠Residency in South Korea, hosting two successful e-⁠Residency meetups at the Estonian Hub in Seoul. These events brought together like-minded individuals and entrepreneurs, fostering a vibrant community of e-⁠residents in the region.

    Community Leader Stefano Amorelli attended Tech Chill Milano with my e-⁠Residency colleague Sergei Žunajev in September.

    Spokespeople represented e-⁠Residency in Tallinn at various events and delegations

    Envoy James Varga took the stage at Latitude59 in Tallinn in May 2023 to share his entrepreneurial journey, along with how e-⁠Residency has significantly simplified the process of running his business. His success story highlighted the advantages of leveraging e-⁠Residency for business growth from the UK into the EU.

    Belgian e-⁠Residency Envoy Jan Lagast played a crucial role in organising the Flemish delegation's visit to Tallinn. During their visit, esteemed Minister Bart Somers became an e-⁠resident, strengthening the ties between Flanders and Estonia.

    Our Community Leader on the ground in Tallinn, Italian e-⁠resident Stefano Amorelli, has been busy meeting e-⁠residents here and making them feel welcome. His dedication is the essence of what e-⁠Residency stands for—building a global network of like-minded entrepreneurs.

    In September 2023, we hosted a press trip in Tallinn with journalists from Spain, UK and Germany. Envoys Mark Izatt, Alistair Starling, Vicky Brock and Community Leader Stefano Amorelli shared their inspirational stories and inspired the journalists with their experiences of Estonia's digital success story. 

    Community leaders shared their experience and knowledge of e-⁠Residency

    Ian Wagner's contributions extended beyond hosting meetups. He also shared his expertise by publishing a guest post on our blog. His article provides valuable insights on how to run a successful local e-⁠Residency meetup and top tips on promotion, format, and financing.

    Several Envoys have participated as guest experts in our monthly Live Q&A Sessions this year, including Martin Gregersen, Maya Middlemiss, Federico Pirola, and Edilson Osorio. They shared their wealth of experience to an appreciative audience, providing invaluable insights to aspiring entrepreneurs. Edilson wrote about his experience on his blog here.

    Envoy Edilson Osorio had the honor of being interviewed on the Olá Gabs podcast, where he shared his insights into the world of e-⁠Residency, opening up new avenues for interested entrepreneurs.

    Ian Wagner and Luke Seelenbinder were also featured at Tech Talk Daily Podcast. They spoke about geospatial technology and location-based services, whilst also highlighting the advantages of e-⁠Residency enabling location independent business.

    Get to know our Spokespeople better on our YouTube channel

    Get to know our Spokespeople better by watching some of our YouTube videos.

    First up, we asked our Envoys and Community Leaders to describe e-⁠Residency in just one or two words. Watch what they said:

    Or, if you're a foodie, the "e-resident taste bud tango" videos might delight your senses. From the quintessential black rye bread to the mouthwatering Kama dessert, our Envoys and Community Leaders embraced the Estonian cuisine with open minds and eager taste buds. Each dish was met with a mix of curiosity, surprise, and appreciation, as they embarked on a flavourful journey together.

    Watch part one and enjoy:

    The dedication and passion of our Envoys and Community Leaders have expanded the reach of e-⁠Residency, connecting with audiences worldwide and inspiring countless entrepreneurs to embrace the boundless possibilities offered by this unique programme.

    We eagerly anticipate more remarkable contributions from our growing community of e-⁠Residency advocates. Together, we will build a future where global entrepreneurship knows no boundaries, and opportunities are accessible to all, thanks to the transformative force of e-⁠Residency. Join us on this exciting journey, and let's create a world where entrepreneurs thrive, supported by the limitless potential of e-⁠Residency.

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