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    game-changer for company owners in the music industry

    Estonia is the best place to register your music industry company for cross-border business. With e-⁠Residency, you can start and run an EU company 100% online and easily manage it.

    e-⁠Residency is the digital ID for global entrepreneurs

    • Register an EU-based company rapidly from anywhere
    • Full, simple, secure access to the online business services
    • Everything you need to run a business remotely 24/7
    • Provided by the government of Estonia, the world's most digital country


    in record label companies per capita in the EU


    e-⁠resident companies operating


    e-⁠residents from 170+ countries

    Who in the music sector can benefit from e-⁠Residency?

    • Music distribution & licensing
    • Music tech startups
    • Production, publishing, indie record labels, managers
    • International musicians & bands
    • Composers and songwriters
    • Music organisations and EU-wide consortiums

    Why register a company for your music activities?

    • Operate on a professional level
    • Collect revenue from your intellectual property
    • Access to the EU market, which is home to millions of music fans and potential customers
    • Manage costs and revenues for international team
    • Access business banking

    Get a free consultation

    Planning or running a music sector startup or any kind of cross-border music business?

    Book a call with our Partnerships Manager Raimo Matvere to discuss, how your business could benefit from e-Residency and Estonian business ecosystem.

    • Tell us about your business
    • Understand better, how e-Residency could help you

    How to start your music business with e-Residency?

    1. 1

      Become an e-resident

      Apply online, pay the state fee and choose a pickup location for your digital ID card. State fee: €150 Timeline: 3-8 weeks

      Apply online
    2. 2

      Register a company

      Register your private limited company (OÜ) online. State fee: €265 Timeline: up to 24h

    3. 3

      Find services you need to start and run your company

      You need a legal address and a contact person service to register your company and business banking account to run your company. Cost: check prices on Marketplace for e-residents

      Discover service providers

    Get a free consultation to set up your business

    Ready to apply?